Computer Science Master Degree Scholaships untuk UK / EU / Overseas Students

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Department of Computing, University of Surrey UK
Masters Degrees

We offer a portfolio of three reputed and challenging masters programs designed to address commercial demand for specific IT skills in industry, tailored to suit students with different educational backgrounds. These programs include up-to-date advanced technical skills for enterprise development, in depth research skills and industry-led modules, such as System Z taught by IBM.


* Information Systems
* Internet Computing
* Security Technologies and Applications

Complementary Programs

We offer three complementary postgraduate MSc degree programs, each lasting for 1 year. Each program consists of modules that are designed to provide an advanced level of knowledge and skills in specialist areas: business computing, the Internet and security.


There are sources of financial support as well as performance scholarships.
Awards are offered on a competitive basis, either in the form of open competition, through a scheme of quota awards to individual Faculties or through funding allocated to Faculties to Administer. Awards are not made automatically to eligible students.

1. University of Surrey research scholarships
2. Research Studentships
3. Choral and organ scholarships
4. The Villis Award
5. Chevening scholarships

Further details can be obtained from our admissions officer.

The University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom.
+44 (0) 1483 300800


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