Beasiswa University of Westminster January 2010 Scholarships

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

UK – Across our sites in central and north-west London, the University of Westminster teaches more than 22,000 students undertaking degrees, Masters, research, professional programmes and short courses.

University of Westminster offer scholarships for EU students and international students. The deadline for scholarship applications for January 2010 is 1 November 2009 unless otherwise specified.

University of Westminster Scholarships

1. Alumni Scholarships
2. Full Fee Waiver Scholarships
3. Half Fee Waiver Scholarships
4. MBA Scholarships
5. Westminster Business School (WBS) Part-Time Scholarships
6. Westminster International Scholarships

At the University of Westminster you can apply for a scholarship once you have been offered a place (either conditional or unconditional) on a course at the University, but before you start your course. The only exception to this rule is if you are an undergraduate UK/EU student who started your course under the new tuition fee regime.

For you, there are a number of progression scholarships awarded at the end of your first year at the University. All other scholarships are awarded before you start your course.

Scholarships are awarded on one or more of the following criteria:

* Academic excellence
* Financial need
* Development potential (for international students)

Application form

For postgraduate, click here
For undergraduate, click here

Westminster International Scholarships

These generous awards are aimed at full funding if you are from a developing country and will study a full-time Masters degree at the University. Particular preference will be given to you if you can demonstrate how the knowledge you acquire from your studies will aid the development of your own country.

Amount: Full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.

Eligibility: You must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree.

Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.

MBA Scholarships

Amount: 50 per cent tuition fee waivers.

Eligibility: You must hold an offer for the part-time MBA degree.

Criteria: Academic excellence, career progression and financial need. Preference will be given to you if you work in the voluntary or public sectors.

Deadline: 1 December 2009.

Alumni Scholarships

These scholarships are gathered from income earned by the alumni affinity services. They are available to you if you are a graduate of any University of Westminster undergraduate degree and plan to proceed to a full-time Masters degree within the University.

Amount: £2,000 tuition fee waivers.

Eligibility: You must be a University of Westminster graduate progressing to a full-time Masters degree at the University.

Criteria: Academic excellence and financial need.

Full Fee Waiver Scholarships

Amount: Full tuition fee waivers.

Eligibility: You must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree.

Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.

Half Fee Waiver Scholarships

Amount: 50 per cent tuition fee waivers.

Eligibility: You must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree.

Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.

Westminster Business School (WBS) Part-Time Scholarships

These scholarships are offered by Westminster Business School (WBS) to you if you are academically exceptional.

Amount: 50 per cent tuition fee waivers.

Eligibility: You must hold an offer for any part-time Masters degree, excluding the MBA, within Westminster Business School.

Criteria: Academic excellence, career progression and financial need.

Deadline: 1 December 2009.

Scholarships Office
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW
United Kingdom


[UK] 7 PhD Studentships in Health and Wellbeing at Sheffield Hallam University

Thursday, October 22, 2009

PhD Studentships in Bloom and Wellbeing at Sheffield Hallam University

PhD Assay Studentships - 7 posts available

Faculty of Bloom and Wellbeing

Sheffield Hallam University - Sports Engineering, Biomechanics and the Modelling of Action and Health

Bursary £13,290

Tuition fees

Full time for 3 years

The Sports Engineering Assay Group aural the Faculty of Bloom and Wellbeing employs about 20 agents absolute assay engineers, designers, sports scientists and PhD students. Clients cover Adidas, Prince, Puma, UK Sport, British Swimming and the International Tennis Federation.

Following a actual acknowledged Assay Assessment Exercise, the Sports Engineering Assay Group in accord with the Bloom and Social Care Assay Centre is gluttonous to recruit outstanding candidates to backpack out multi-disciplinary PhD projects. The afterward projects are accessible immediately:


The biomechanics of the golf swing;

The biomechanics of sports bras;

The dynamics of tennis shoe interactions with tennis courts.


Pattern acceptance in Olympic diving;

Optimal architecture of sports accessories application FE & CFD;

Modelling of cardio-vascular risk-reduction in detached populations;

The aftereffect of concrete gaming interfaces on action levels.

These projects will be acceptable for applicants with a 1st or top 2i in a concrete science such as Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Sports Science or a accompanying discipline. Ideal candidates should not be abashed of mathematics or programming and, in particular, we would like to apprehend from acceptance with acquaintance of MATLAB, angel processing, computational aqueous dynamics, bound elements analysis, biomechanics, and the abutment of aristocratic athlete.

Candidates should accept acceptable analytic skills, application and backbone and be acceptable in a team. An absorption and ability of action is adorable but not essential, as is absolute acquaintance of plan in the sports sector.


The Sports Engineering Assay Group and Bloom and Social Care Assay Centre represent a absurd befalling for those gluttonous to accretion acquaintance of a multidisciplinary assay ambiance and ambition to accept a career in the engineering, action or bloom sectors. PhD acceptance accept the befalling to biking across and abutment top contour consultancy projects aural the groups.

Further advice about the altered roles is accessible from

Closing date: 9 November 2009

Competition will be able and candidates are encouraged to accede added than one project.

Interviewing will yield abode in November with a adopted alpha date by 1st January 2010.

In the aboriginal instance amuse abide a abounding CV to:

Amanda Brothwell

The Sports Engineering Assay Group

Centre for Action and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Bloom and Wellbeing

A129 Collegiate Hall

Collegiate Crescent Campus



Computer Science Master Degree Scholaships untuk UK / EU / Overseas Students

Department of Computing, University of Surrey UK
Masters Degrees

We offer a portfolio of three reputed and challenging masters programs designed to address commercial demand for specific IT skills in industry, tailored to suit students with different educational backgrounds. These programs include up-to-date advanced technical skills for enterprise development, in depth research skills and industry-led modules, such as System Z taught by IBM.


* Information Systems
* Internet Computing
* Security Technologies and Applications

Complementary Programs

We offer three complementary postgraduate MSc degree programs, each lasting for 1 year. Each program consists of modules that are designed to provide an advanced level of knowledge and skills in specialist areas: business computing, the Internet and security.


There are sources of financial support as well as performance scholarships.
Awards are offered on a competitive basis, either in the form of open competition, through a scheme of quota awards to individual Faculties or through funding allocated to Faculties to Administer. Awards are not made automatically to eligible students.

1. University of Surrey research scholarships
2. Research Studentships
3. Choral and organ scholarships
4. The Villis Award
5. Chevening scholarships

Further details can be obtained from our admissions officer.

The University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom.
+44 (0) 1483 300800


Beasiswa ADB - Japan Scholarship Program at University of Sydney

Monday, October 19, 2009

Beasiswa ADB (Asian Development Bank) - Japan Scholarship Program was established with financing from the Government of Japan to provide an opportunity for well qualified citizens of the Bank’s Developing Member Countries (DMCs) to undertake postgraduate studies which will assist the economic and social development of their countries at University of Sydney Australia.
Each scholarship covers full tuition fees, an allowance for books and instructional materials, a monthly living allowance, medical insurance and travel expenses. For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be applied to assist in field work and thesis preparation. In special circumstances, computer literacy, preparatory language and other similar courses may be covered under the scholarship.

Selection criteria for ADB - Japan Scholarship:
- Applicants with less than two years of work experience will not be selected.
- Preference to women candidates.
- Preference to applicants with lesser financial capacity.
- The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad.
- The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second master’s degree or a second doctorate degree.
- Candidates who are applying in a participating academic institution in their own country may not be selected.
- Diversification of nationality in the overall Program as well as at each participating academic institution will be considered.

The scholarship period is one year. An appropriate extension for the second or third year of study is conditional on the scholar’s maintaining a satisfactory level of performance determined by the University of Sydney and following approval by the ADB. Competition for an ADB-JSP scholarship is extremely strong. Only candidates who receive an unconditional offer of admission will be considered for the ADB-JSP scholarship.

Application closing date for courses starting in March 2010 is 31 May 2009.
Application closing date for courses starting in July 2010 is 30 November 2009.
You can complete the Application Form by following the instructions on the form.
Please download the ADB-JSP application form.

For further information please contact:
International Office
The University of Sydney
Phone - +61 2 8627 8302
Fax - +61 2 8627 8387
Email -


(S2) International Scholarships for Study in UK, University of Southampton

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Studying abroad is a life investment that needs careful planning and consideration. You should start organising your finances in advance and arrange enough funds to cover the tuition fees and living costs.

Why Southampton?
The University of Southampton is a truly international institution with a global reputation for excellence in leading-edge research. Students from more than one hundred different nations study here and our network of university partnerships spans the globe.

Ten reasons to study at the University of Southampton:

  1. International recognition: We are among the top 100 universities in the world according to the Times Higher World University Rankings 2008.
  2. The University of Southampton is in position 152 in the International League Table published by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University China in 2008.
  3. One of the UK’s leading universities: we have been ranked in 12th place by The Sunday Times University Guide published in October 2008.
  4. Research quality: we are a research-led university and a member of the prestigious Russell Group.
  5. Student satisfaction: The University of Southampton has been ranked within the top ten universities nationwide for student satisfaction, according to The Times Good University Guide 2008.
  6. Prime location: Southampton is just over one hour from central London, on the south coast of England. We are surrounded by areas of natural beauty including the New Forest and the Isle of Wight, and connected to the rest of the UK and Europe through superb road, rail, air and sea links.
  7. International diversity: we have around 20,000 students of which 2,000 are international from more than 100 different countries. Our departments have many international links and are active members of international initiatives like the World Universities Network, the Centre for Contemporary China and the Thai-UK Collaborative Research Network.
  8. Guaranteed accommodation: All our international (non-EU) students are guaranteed accommodation for the complete duration of their studies in our Halls of Residence.
  9. Work prospects: The quality of our graduates is recognised by employers worldwide, who are often invited to our Open Careers Days on campus. Our Careers Service offers free advice to all our students for up to three years after graduation. We are renowned for our close links with business and industry.
  10. Support to international students: our professional services offer free and confidential support for our international students.

International entry requirements

Our entry requirements vary from course to course, and depend on whether you are applying to a Foundation Year, Undergraduate Degree or Postgraduate Programme.

International Scholarships

We offer some subject-specific scholarships and bursaries to international students. In addition to these, many international organisations offer financial assistance. Eligibility criteria vary depending on the scholarship scheme.

Scholarships for international students may cover all or part of the full cost of studying abroad. You will usually need to provide an offer letter from the University when applying for a scholarship. For this reason, it is very important to start all the arrangements at least one year prior to the start of your studies.

University subject-specific scholarships

External scholarships available across several subjects

Further information

Email us at
Telephone us +44(0)23 8059 9699


Beasiswa BPPS PascaSarjana untuk Dosen PNS

Beasiswa Bantuan Program Pasca Sarjana (BPPS) Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti) atau dikenal dengan beasiswa BPPS ditujukan bagi dosen atau tenaga pengajar yang berstatus Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) untuk program pasca sarjana.

BPPS Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi hanya diberikan kepada dosen yang mengikuti pendidikan pascasarjana, baik magister (S2) maupun doktor (S3), pada program studi yang diselenggarakan secara reguler dan telah memperoleh akreditasi pada jalur akademik oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi (BAN-PT).

Program studi yang akan dipertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan prioritas dalam seleksi calon penerima BPPS adalah program studi dalam bidang ilmu yang yang memiliki nilai strategis bagi pembangunan nasional, seperti: teknologi, MIPA, pertanian, sosial dan ekonomi, kesehatan dan pendidikan.

Pada tahun 2009 jumlah BPPS mahasiswa baru untuk S2 sebanyak 5.500 orang, sedangkan untuk S3 sebanyak 2.000 orang. Total 7500 alokasi beasiswa BPPS 2009. Pengalokasian Distribusi BPPS tersebut dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu :

  1. Dialokasikan kepada Program Pascasarjana PTN/PTS yang memenuhi syarat. Cara ini sama dengan pola yang selama ini berjalan.
  2. Dialokasikan kepada PTN dan PTS pemilik dosen (dikordinasi oleh Kopertis).

Persyaratan Umum penerima beasiswa BPPS Dikti antara lain:

  1. Beasiswa Pendidikan Pascasarjana (BPPS) Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi pada saat ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi dosen Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, dosen Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (Dosen PNS Dpk, dosen Tetap Yayasan yang telah mempunyai NIK Yayasan serta telah memiliki angka kredit jabatan akademik dosen minimal Asisten Ahli 100), dan sebagian dosen IAIN/STAIN yang berstatus PNS yang mengikuti program S2
  2. Dosen PNS yang berasal dari Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung, Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Alauddin Makassar, Sultan Syarif Qasim Pekanbaru dan Universitas Islam Negeri Malang yang sudah berubah status kelembagaannya dari IAIN/STAIN, dapat diusulkan sebagai peserta S3 calon penerima BPPS
  3. Permohonan untuk memperoleh BPPS Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi harus mendapat persetujuan dan diajukan oleh Rektor/Ketua Perguruan Tinggi asal kepada Direktur Program Pascasarjana yang dituju. Khusus peserta yang berasal dari PTS, persetujuan dan usulan BPPS tersebut harus direkomendasi oleh pihak Kopertis Wilayah asal perguruan tinggi peserta

Pendaftaran Calon Penerima Beasiswa
Penyaringan dalam penerimaan calon penerima program Beasiswa BPPS dilakukan berdasar pada:

  1. Prestasi akademik selama menempuh pendidikan program sarjana
  2. Keterkaitan bidang ilmu program S2 yang ditempuh dengan bidang ilmu S1-nya dan atau bidang ilmu program S3 yang ditempuh dengan bidang ilmu program S1/S2 dari peserta.
  3. Tempat yang tersedia.

Informasi pendaftaran dan persyaratan lebih detail hubungi bagian kemahsiswaan di masing-masing Perguruan Tinggi Negeri.


Beasiswa INPEX SCHOLARSHIP 2009/2010

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kopertis Circular VII

- September 18, 2008 --
18 September 2008
Number: 1399/O07/KL/2008
Lamp. : --

Private Higher Education Leadership
Built Under Kopertris Region VII
East Java.

Noting the letter Director of the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry Ketenagaan number: 2521/D4.4/2008 dated August 27, 2008 regarding the offer scholarships INPEX SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FOR 2009, are kindly invited to you to disseminate information about education in the field of Masters Program Natural Sciences in Japan Higher Education environment Brother
Application forms and more information about the program, can you learn in "ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SCHOLARSHIP FOR 2009" in the headline Institutional Kopertis Region VII).

Due to the above, we would ask you to provide candidates who meet the qualifications as determined can be received no later than November 15 in 2008 to further the process.
If the Higher Education environment is interested you can contact / send Application form to:

Job Directorate Directorate General of Education Ministry of Higher Education
Jl. Raya Jenderal Sudirman, Pintu I Senayan, Jakarta Tromol 10,002 Pos 190
Tel.: (021) 57946100 (HUNTING) 57946053, Fax. 57946052
Email: Http:

Thus the attention and cooperation Brothers, said thank you.


Prof.Dr.H.Sugijanto, MS., Apt.
NIP. 130809078

Director of the Directorate General of Higher Education Ketenagaan.

Application guidelines and forms
Deadline: November 15, 2008 (postmarked)


Undergraduade Scholarships University Of Adelaide

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Study at Adelaide

The University of Adelaide is one of Australia’s most prestigious universities and is renowned internationally for excellence in education and research.

We offer studies in agriculture, business, law, engineering, mathematical and computer sciences, architecture, medicine, dentistry, humanities and social sciences, music, teaching and sciences at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

The University of Adelaide offers a scholarships scheme for international students undertaking undergraduate study.

Scholarships for all International Students
The Adelaide Outstanding Achiever Scholarships International (AOASI)

  • Up to nine Adelaide Outstanding Achiever Scholarships International (AOASI) are available to international students from any country undertaking study in any academic discipline except Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS).
  • Benefits are the waiver of full tuition fees for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory performance.
  • A scholarship recipient completing a three year degree program who is offered a further year in the Honours Program may apply for an extension of the scholarship to cover that year.
  • Scholarships are available only for the first four years of a double degree.

More Information

For more information about postgraduate study at the University of Adelaide, please contact:

The Student Centre
Online enquiry form:

Telephone (in Australia): (08) 8303 5208
Telephone (outside Australia): +61 8 8303 5208
Facsimile (in Australia): (08) 8303 4401
Facsimile (outside Australia): +61 8 8303 4401


Fulbright Scholarship 2010 for Indonesian ( USA )

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The American Indonesia Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is pleased to announce the availability of Fulbright scholarships to study in the United States for the 2010 academic year. The primary focus of the Fulbright Program in Indonesia is to promote mutual understanding between the Republic of Indonesia and the United States of America through educational exchange and academic scholarship. Fulbright scholarships are available to Indonesian citizens with the appropriate qualifications as stipulated in the program descriptions listed below.

Preference will be given to applicants who serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia. Applicants will possess:

* a Sarjana (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale)
* leadership qualities
* a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures a
* demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
* a willingness to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright program
* a minimum TOEFL score of 550


Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Forms are available either by mail or in person at the AMINEF Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 4, Jakarta 10720.

Please return to AMINEF your complete application package by the application deadline that includes:

* Completed application form. This includes a clearly written and concise study objective.
* Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, TOEFL score report.
* One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer.
* Copy of academic transcript (English translation).
* Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).


Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed via e-mail to the following address: We do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to American Indonesian Exchange Foundation.


The deadline for the submission of application materials for all programs is May 31, 2009.

Note: Program requirements are subject to change without notice.

The form can be
downloaded here


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