Master & Doctoral Scholarships Programme by Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships 2011

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Australian Administration Awards Scholarships
Applications for the 2011 assimilation accessible on 10 March 2010 and abutting on 30 June 2010
The Australian Administration Awards (ALA) aim to advance administration and body partnerships and linkages aural the Asia-Pacific, while acclamation antecedence development issues of the region.
The ALA affairs comprises ALA Scholarships and ALA Fellowships. These awards are for leaders or those who accept abeyant for administration roles that can access amusing and bread-and-butter reform, both in their own countries and in the Asia-Pacific region.
ALA Scholarships are for abstraction at Masters or Doctorate akin in an Australian university. Abstraction programs accept to chronicle to a antecedence development area: disability, bread-and-butter growth, education, environment, aliment security, gender, governance, health, animal rights, infrastructure, bounded stability, rural development, baptize and sanitation. ALA advisers aswell undertake a Administration Development Affairs in Australia.
As ALA Scholarships are an investment in the approaching of the Asia-Pacific region, ALA advisers are appropriate to acknowledgment to their home country or the arena for two years afterwards they accept completed their studies in Australia.
Selection for ALA Scholarships is competitive, based on administration qualities, bookish arete and abeyant appulse on acknowledgment home.
To be acceptable to apply, you accept to accommodated the afterward criteria.


Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The World Bank, with funding from the Government of Japan,
established the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP) for graduate
studies in subjects related to economic development. Each year, the Program
awards scholarships to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake
graduate studies at renowned universities throughout member countries of the

Now in its 23d year, the Regular Program has awarded 3,153 scholarships,
selected from 58,944 applicants. In addition, 1,226 scholarships have been
awarded in the various JJ/WBGSP Partnership Programs for a total of 4,379
Since the inception of the Program, the Government of Japan has provided over
204,7 million dollars to the Scholarship Program. The Program's objective is to
help create an international community of highly trained professionals working
in the field of economic and social development. The World Bank and the
Government of Japan require the scholars to return to their home countries on
completion of their study Programs and apply their enhanced knowledge and skills
to contribute to the development process in their respective regions and

Starting in 1992, a number of Partnership Programs have been launched, largely
to respond to the need for graduate study Programs which combine academic rigor
with specialized training in the practical aspects of policy-making. The
objective of these Programs is to prepare the participants for effective
policy-making roles in their home countries and regions.

The World Bank administers the Program through the World Bank Institute (WBI).
Policy guidance for the Program is provided by a Steering Committee comprised of
three Executive Directors and five senior managers of the Bank. A Secretariat
for day-to-day administration is maintained within WBI.


Beasiswa S1 Law International Scholarships 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

We are pleased to offer Law International Scholarships to all international undergraduate students starting their studies in the School of Law in September 2010.
The scholarships are worth £1,500 per year each.
Eligibility and Award Criteria:

  • You must hold an offer of a study place and begin your undergraduate studies in September 2010 in the School of Law.
  • You must be self-funding and classified as overseas for tuition fee purposes.
  • The scholarships will be awarded automatically – no application is required in first or subsequent years.
  • The scholarships will be awarded unconditionally in the first year of studies. Award in subsequent years of study is subject to the achievement of 60% overall average mark.
  • The scholarships will take the form of a tuition fee reduction.
How to Apply
You can make an application to study an undergraduate degree programme at the University of Sheffield from anywhere in the world.
It is important to apply as early as possible as demand for places on undergraduate degree programmes often exceeds the number of places available. You do not need to wait for final examination results or references before you apply for a study place.
High entrance requirements for undergraduate degree programmes at Sheffield reflect the quality of the University.
The University of Sheffield has been welcoming students from all over the world for many decades and we have a lot of experience in assessing and understanding the many different international qualifications.
You may be required to take an internationally recognised English language test such as TOEFL or IELTS.
Further information for international students, visit


Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sampoerna Foundation Scholarships for Indonesia accepting to abstraction MBA in US, Singapore, UK, France, and Australia.
Sampoerna Foundation Overview
Sampoerna Foundation is a able alms alignment and a account provider for Corporate Social Responsibility with a charge to education. It was accustomed in 2001 in acknowledgment to the burning charge to advance the superior of apprenticeship in Indonesia.
Sampoerna Foundation Across MBA Scholarship
The Sampoerna Foundation Across MBA Scholarship is a agency to benedict Indonesia’s approaching business leaders.
Sampoerna Foundation provides one (1) scholarship to accompany a Master’s of Business Administration bulk at arch university overseas. Aloft commutual the program, the scholarship almsman is appropriate to acknowledgment to Indonesia and endeavor to alteration his/ her ability to his/ her adolescent citizens.
I. Basic Eligibility
Applicant have to amuse ALL of the afterward conditions:
1. Indonesian aborigine who is beneath 35 years of age if abode the application.
2. Hold a bounded Bachelor’s bulk from any conduct with a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale).
3. Have a minimum of 2 year full-time able plan acquaintance afterwards the achievement of the undergraduate degree.
4. Currently did not accept in alum or post-graduate program, or acquired a Master’s bulk or equivalent.
5. Did not alum from an across tertiary institution, unless was on a abounding scholarship.
6. Do not accept added agnate accolade or scholarship alms agnate or added allowances at the time of the award.
7. Has activated to the university(ies) that are recommended by Sampoerna Foundation for the bookish year 2010/2011 by the closing date of this scholarship appliance (February 1, 2010).
8. Submit the aftereffect of TOEFL/ IELTS and GMAT with the minimum account as appropriate by the called university.
9. Have action to acknowledgment to Indonesia and plan in Indonesia aloft achievement of the MBA program.
II. Further Requirements
Applicant aswell must:
1. Demonstrate administration abeyant and absorption in and charge to association and civic development.
2. Accommodated the requirements for accepting a apprentice accepting of the appointed country aloft accepting of the scholarship.
3. Comply with the appliance of the scholarship rules and regulations as assured by Sampoerna Foundation, accomplice academy for anniversary corresponding program, and the university.
III. Nature of award
1. The scholarship covers the following:
* GMAT and TOEFL/ IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on aboriginal invoice;
* University appliance fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
* Apprentice accepting appliance fee;
* Acknowledgment airfares from Jakarta to the abode of study;
* Tuition fees, for the continuance of study;
* Active allowance, to abutment active costs during aeon of study;
* Literature allowance, to acquirement textbooks appropriate for study.
2. The scholarship is advised for full-time/ approved chic abstraction only.
3. Scholarship almsman is not acceptable to undertake any anatomy of appliance at any time during the advance of study.
IV. Continuance of Award
1. The scholarship is provided for a best of 2 (two) years, or contrarily as declared by the university.
2. The scholarship almsman is answerable to complete his/ her abstraction aural 2 (two) years. Failure to complete the abstraction aural this timeframe will aftereffect in a amends imposed whereby the scholarship almsman have to acknowledgment 50% of the absolute bulk of scholarship armamentarium already disbursed.
3. Continuation of scholarship is accountable to the scholar’s satisfactory bookish and non-academic progress.
V. Employment
There is no obligation for the scholarship almsman or Sampoerna Foundation to appoint in any anatomy of approaching employment.
Sampoerna Foundation does not bind scholarship almsman to plan for Sampoerna Foundation and its affiliates or
supporting organizations.
However, aloft achievement of study, the scholarship almsman is appropriate to acknowledgment and plan in Indonesia for 5 (five)
consecutive years to accord the abilities and ability acquired from the MBA abstraction for the development of the country.
Application borderline is February 1, 2010.
Sampoerna Foundation recommends the 2010 scholarship applicants to administer for acceptance to any of the following
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA Scholarship
1. Harvard University – Boston, MA
2. Stanford University – Stanford, CA
3. Northwestern University (Kellogg) – Evanston, IL
4. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) – Philadelphia, PA
5. Massachusetts Institut of Technology (Wharton) – Cambridge, MA
6. University of Chicago (Booth) – Chicago, IL
7. University of California-Berkeley (Haas) – Berkeley, CA
8. Columbia University – New York, NY
9. Yale University – New Haven, CT
Australian Apprenticeship International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia Scholarship
1. Australian Alum School of Management
2. Melbourne Business School
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France Scholarship
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK Scholarship
1. London Business School
2. University of Cambridge (Judge)
3. University of Oxford (Said)
Singapore Apprenticeship – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore Scholarship
1. Civic University of Singapore
2. Nanyang Technological University
Application amalgamation can be downloaded at Sampoerna Foundation’s website: Interested applicants who accommodated the requirements have to complete and acknowledgment the appliance amalgamation (application anatomy & advertence form) by the borderline (February 1, 2010) to Sampoerna Foundation office:
Sampoerna School of Apprenticeship Building
Jl. Kapten Tendean No.88 C, 5th Floor
Jakarta Selatan 12710, Indonesia
Further Scholarship Information and Appliance (pdf)


PhD Scholarships in Study of Culture at Giessen University ( German )

Giessen University - International Alum Centre for the Abstraction of Culture
Giessen University`s International Alum Centre for the Abstraction of Ability (GCSC), adjourned by the German federal government`s Excellence Initiative, offers a three-year structured PhD-programme in the abstraction of culture. With its accomplished analysis environment, a doctoral programme which is tailored to the needs of PhD acceptance and the accelerated claimed abutment it provides, the GCSC offers postgraduate acceptance optimum altitude for their PhD-projects and a custom-built alertness for the time thereafter, both with attention to bookish and non-academic careers.
From 1st October 2010, we action up to 9 PhD scholarships.
PhD scholarships cover a account allowance of about 1.100 and are offered for one year with the achievability of two extensions, anniversary of a year. Scholarships arise on 1st October, 2010.
The GCSC is committed to accomplished analysis in eight authentic analysis areas: Memory Cultures | Ability and Narration | Ability and Performativity | Visual Ability | Culture, Language and the New Media | Ability and Identities | Political and Transnational Cultures | Cultures of Knowledge, Analysis and Education.
We allure applications accidental to the abstraction of ability in assorted actual contexts as able-bodied as those allegory abreast phenomena. The GCSC encourages applications from alum acceptance who accept or apprehend to access a aboriginal or high additional chic honours M.A.-degree (or equivalent) in one of the GCSC`s bookish capacity or in the arts/humanities, cultural studies, or amusing sciences. Fluency in either English or German is required.
Acceptance of a scholarship requires accord in the abstraction programme and the absolute contest offered by the GCSC, as able-bodied as alive captivation in at atomic one GCSC alum analysis group. PhD scholarship holders accept to annals as PhD acceptance at Justus Liebig University. There are no charge fees for doctoral acceptance at JLU, except for an enrolment fee of about €200 per semester. All scholarship holders are accepted to yield up address in or abreast Giessen.
The capital alternative belief are the candidates bookish qualification, the bookish superior of the analysis angle and the adequacy of the activity for the GCSC`s analysis programme. Short-listed candidates will be arrive to a 30-minute interview.
The appliance borderline is March 1st, 2010 (date of receipt).
All applications (including an appliance anatomy and added abstracts as declared on the GCSC-website) accept to be submitted online. Please acquisition all advice on the two-stage appliance action and our acquaintance data on our website at


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